Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Virtual Private Networks
Enterprise Software or New Computers, Internet & Telephone Helps You Make Good IT Decisions
Upgrading your IT infrastructure can be a frustrating experience. Internet & Telephone's friendly, experienced staff can help by guiding you through the process or simply doing the legwork for you. We know the best hardware, software, and VPN products. But we also understand it's important to give you realistic options that suit your individual budget and needs.
Computer Hardware
Internet & Telephone helps you choose the right server, data backup, desktops, laptops, netbooks or smartphones for your business. Our techs help you make good decisions to meet your needs not only today, but also as you grow in the future. I&T will even research the best pricing for you. Our products include IBM, Dell, Lenovo, Microsoft and more.
Computer Software
Choosing the right software and keeping it up to date is a critical issue for every company. Internet & Telephone can take this never-ending task off your hands for good. We help you maintain your software licensing compliance, make sure you're running the latest versions of applications, close security holes, reduce errors, and make applications transparent for each user.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
With so many employees working on the road or from home, secure remote access is a high priority. Internet & Telephone's VPN service gives remote users secure access to corporate resources from any Web browser. Employees can access all of their desktop applications from anywhere in the world. Internet & Telephone's VPN services are monitored through our Network Operations Center (NOC), providing a fully integrated and redundant end-to-end connection between locations.
VPN eliminates your company's geographical barriers, enabling your employees to work efficiently from home and allowing you to connect securely with your satellite offices, vendors and partners.
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