Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Hardware and Software

many use the hardware (hardware) and software
(software) as a means of support for the processing of information
related to the management of students spread over 35 UPBJJ / Other University
throughout Indonesia.
We all know that the ability of hardware (hardware)
and software (software) are limited either because the result
usage, or because of technological advances with age. To overcome
these problems, should set a mechanism of maintenance
computer and completeness (hardware) and software applications
used by the Open University with reference to the Security System
Quality (Simintas) Open University grains C number 26, so that the activities
operational work well and effectively.
Computer maintenance and computer maintenance kelengkapanProses and completeness (hardware) and
application software can not be separated from the procurement process that initially
coordinated by the General section involving the Open University team
Technical spread in some units, so if there is damage
hardware or software, the Technical Team was able to consider the term
time use of tools, how to maintain, to do the
procurement of hardware and new software.
Hardware Maintenance (Hardware) can
1. Computers and
2. Computer peripherals
B. Application Software Maintenance (Software)
or to be more clear and detailed attempt